
Health problems from being overweight

Quite apart from the fact that your body will be in be more attractive if you diet to lose fat, there are many other things that will benefit from reducing body fat.

Diabetes is one of the most obvious areas of concern with overweight people. A huge proportion of the population are suffering from diabetes and the associated health issues that this disease brings with it.

Did you know diabetes means many thousands of people going blind every year. And diabetes is also a big cause of kidney disease.

Things gets worse as your chances of suffering from heart disease or a stroke increase 4-fold if you suffer from diabetes.

For men being overweight can also cause erectile dysfunction.

High blood cholesterol and high blood pressure  are also more common with thiose who are too heavy.

Even a little reduction in body fat can have quite a significant effect on your overall quality of health. And by doing that you can seriously lower the chances of health issues further down the line.

Being overweight can also mean you snore as when you are lying horizontal fatty tissue in your throat can obstruct your breathing. This means you don't get a good sleep and this leads to your energy levels dropping the following day.

Dropping even a small bit of body fat can reduce your snoring quite a lot and the effect of getting better quality sleep at night is you will have increased energy.

If you are over tired it is tempting to want to get your energy back by eating a lot. In this way you just add to your health problems.

Exercise to lose fat is not simply about improving your appearance. It should just be an added extra of actually getting healthier. Being attractive and being healthy don't necessarily go hand in hand. You can attain beauty by putting on make-up or having surgery. But here's a thought - Do people die from being unattractive?

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