Chances are, by now you've heard SOMETHING about the anti aging benefits of Vitamin D. The miraculous vitamin has been in the news quite a bit recently - particularly Vitamin D3.
If you haven't heard about the benefits of Vitamin D, here is a brief list:
- inhibits inflammation (major cause of aging)
- maintains calcium balance
- helps to regulate blood pressure
- boosts your immunity
- protects against some cancers (mainly colon)
There are lots of other research studies being done with additional benefits discovered all the time.
But here is some controversial news about Vitamin D you may NOT know:
Fact: Your body produces Vitamin D naturally with sun exposure.
What you don't know:
- Wearing sunscreen inhibits Vitamin D production.
- You might have a deficiency in Vitamin D if you've been tanning too much or are dark skinned.
- As we age, we produce less Vitamin D from the sun, so if you are over 40, you may be deficient.
- Overweight people need more Vitamin D than slender people.
Fact: Most sunscreens actually block the rays that produce Vitamin D. Since sunscreen use has gone up, so has the incidence of cancer!
What You Don't Know: It turns out that since Vitamin D3 protects against some cancers, by inhibiting the sunshine from sunscreen, we are actually increasing our cancer rate.
Of course, the American Dermatology Association strongly disagrees, saying it's ludicrious to suggest people expose themselves to sunshine without sunscreen.
Fact: The government recommends 400 units of Vitamin D per day
What You Don't Know: Most research indicates that 4,000 units per day is needed.
Vitamin D toxicity can occur from taking too much, but the occurances are quite small. Get tested first to see if you are deficient.
Important questions to ask yourself:
Am I deficient in Vitamin D?
How do I get tested?
What are things to look for when purchasing Vitamin D?
Making healthy aging a part of your life is easy.
To answer the questions you have about this important vitamin, go to Anti Aging Vitamin D
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