
Warning – Don’t Ignore Vitamin D

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By Jim Nettleton

There has been so much near panic in recent years about sun exposure that populations all over the world are suffering from a lack of absolutely essential vitamin D.

Most of us come nowhere near getting the amount that our bodies desperately need and the lack of this vitamin could be responsible for the increasing amount of various cancers, osteoporosis and many other deadly serious ailments.

So, how does the above-mentioned near panic about sun exposure fit in here? Because the star around which earth orbits provides the most efficient way to absorb this vital nutrient. Just a few minutes of sun exposure will cause the body to produce high levels of vitamin D, as a matter of fact, several times the level you could get from vitamin pills.

But we have been conditioned to believe that sun exposure equals danger, so even during those times that we do go out in the sun, we slather on the sun screen and effectively prevent our bodies from absorbing the vitamin D that they need.

Now, no one is suggesting that we go and lay in the sun to the point of frying. That’s just plain stupid. As the wise man said, moderation in all things is advisable and, in the case of sun exposure, that is certainly true. But 5 to 10 minutes in the sun will supercharge the amount of vitamin D your body will absorb and may protect you from a raft of diseases and ailments. Over the last few years, there has been a steadily growing mountain of evidence concerning vitamin D’s ability to protect us from the following health problems:

Colon, prostate and breast cancer

Multiple Sclerosis

High blood pressure

Type I juvenile diabetes


Studies continue and may very well uncover as yet undiscovered benefits in the near future. One of the most definitive studies was undertaken by Creighton University between 2000 and 2005. It involved 1179 women age 55 and over. At the end of the study, the women who took vitamin D and calcium showed a 60 per cent or greater reduction in cancer risk than those that didn’t. You can read about the study at the university’s site: http://www2.creighton.edu/publicrelations/newscenter/news/2007/june2007/june82007/vitamind_cancer_nr060807/index.php

If the link doesn’t work, and it may not because of its length, copy and paste it in your browser. Bear in mind that there are many studies providing similar results. The Creighton University study is by no means the only one. Also bear in mind that those who participated in this study took far more than the recommended daily allowances, which are laughably low in many cases.

Here’s another fact that underscores the benefits of sun exposure. Statistics show that the farther south a population lives, the less osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and cancer they contract.

The best news about this is that we can all undertake the steps required to raise our protection level for practically nothing. Sun exposure is free. Vitamins are cheap. The best possible way to increase levels of vitamin D is via the free rays of the sun provided by nature. Make sure that you compliment your sun exposure with calcium supplements, good, efficient supplements. And if you must use supplements in addition to sun exposure, make sure you get the type that provides you with vitamin D3, the more active of the two types of vitamin D.

For more in depth information concerning this subject, I highly recommend you obtain a copy of Your Deadly Deficiency by Lee Euler. You’ll be amazed at the depth of information in the book and the excellent advice he provides.

About the Author

Jim Nettleton is a radio and television professional who has been intimately involved with hosting health programs over the years. He is an advocate of natural treatments. Visit his The Newest Trends In Health Care blog at: http://thenewesttrendsinhealthcare.blogspot.com/

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