
High Blood Pressure - Different Methods To Keep It Under Control

You've been to the doctor dozens of times and sat through the inflatable arm cuff test for high blood pressure. The nurse rattles off some numbers, but what do they mean? The magic "good news" number is 115/75, but not all of us are so blessed. As we age, our artery walls are bound to be a little narrower and the heart may have to work slightly harder. We work long hours, we get stressed out and we may not have enough time to eat properly or exercise as much. We may be drinkers and smokers, or we may have put on a few pounds over the years. Regardless of how our lifestyle has changed, we can always turn things around before it's too late!

Over at the Harvard School of Medicine, researchers have developed a dietary program known as "DASH," an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet includes: 8 grain servings, 5 vegetable servings, 2-3 low fat dairy servings, 1-2 servings of meat, poultry or fish and 5 servings per week of nuts, seeds or beans. Saturated fats and sugars should be limited and serving sizes generally run ½ cup cooked, 1 cup raw or 2 tbsp nuts and seeds. Exercise is crucial! Within just two weeks, the diet already began having an effect on Dr. Gabe Mirkin's patients, with 70% returning to normal blood pressure levels. He says that increasing minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium had a strong impact, as did limiting fat and sodium. The diet triggers a diuretic effect, much like certain medications that work to "flush the system."

For some people, the thought of monitoring their diet may seem like an overwhelming obsession. How do you know if you're doing the right thing to lower high blood pressure or making the right choices to maintain heart health? Generally, most people need a little help getting started. Some people may try a free website like sparkspeople.com, where you enter everything you eat each day and receive a report tallying up your fat, calories, protein and nutrients, in relation to your weight loss or heart health goals. Or others may spend a little money on a dietician who can offer guided meal plans tailored individually to their needs. Many books have been written on the subject as well. After looking around a little, you'll find something that is enjoyable, you feel comfortable with and that works. Once you get into a routine, you won't even think about it anymore. Suddenly, your cardiovascular health will improve and your life will seem so much more manageable.

In addition to smoking, hypertension and high cholesterol, inactivity is one of the four major contributors to coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and poor cardiovascular health. Sedentary people have a 35% greater risk of developing high blood pressure and 55% greater risk of developing heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 4 days per week. A 2002 study of overweight individuals found that strenuous activity, for example, jogging 20 miles/week, was needed to increase HDL (good cholesterol) but even walking or jogging 12 miles/week was enough to lower LDL (bad cholesterol). The best exercises for heart health include: walking, jogging, jumping rope, biking, cross-country skiing, skating, rowing, low-impact aerobics and water aerobics.

As we become older there are essential numbers that start to weigh to a great extent upon us. We have to worry about our blood pressure, weight and our cholesterol level. Things we may have ignored our entire lives now all of a sudden have great importance. However these are things that should not have been ignored. A lifetime of misuse on the body yields merely damaging things when left unchecked.


Your cholesterol level is absolutely crucial if you wish to remain healthy and your body functioning properly. High levels has the ability to lead lead to heart attacks as well as stroke, both of these things you do not want to have to deal with. Being concerned in regards to your cholesterol level is not just for the elderly. It is something both young and older people need to worry as well as be aware of if they hope to to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this article we will cover the fundamental principles of cholesterol and hopefully you will understand how key a healthy level is to your body as well as peace of mind.

What is bad cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is bad. All cholesterol is carried by lipoproteins but the low-density lipoproteins moves in the blood stream and allows the cholesterol to begin to accumulate. If there is too much LDL then the cholesterol begins building up on the walls of the arteries. It begins to form plaque which makes the arteries hard and not as flexible. When clots form and block the artery a heart attack or stroke can occur.

How can you prevent high cholesterol?

You can help take steps against having too much LDL cholesterol in your body by exercising, not smoking and eating right. These three things are the primary reasons why people have excessive LDL. Yes, some of your cholesterol levels have to do with family history but doctors have proven time and time again that a diet rich in fish and Omega-3 along with a healthy weight will reduce the overall LDL numbers. The body needs to have plenty of exercise as well.

How is the blockage from the arteries removed?

The first stage is through medicines but if there is a critical contracting or blockage in the artery or blood vessel then a somewhat more aggressive operation is essential. The actual processes may change but one popular method is through a balloon angioplasty. The mechanical device is inserted into the artery and navigated to the obstruction where the build up of plaque has occurred. The balloon is then inflated to clear the passage. Nowadays the operation is minimally invasive and most patients are capable of going home on that very day.

How do I know what my cholesterol is?

Well in order to know what your cholesterol is you should have a blood cholesterol testing performed at least every five years. The most recommended test is a fasting lipoprotein blood profile. This test measures not only your total cholesterol but it also specifies the LDL and the HDL levels. It is a great idea to be knowledgeable about where your numbers are and to ensure that they are in the proper healthy range.

To discover more click here Lower Cholesterol with more helpful material at High Cholesterol and Normal Cholesterol Levels


Hypertension - What Are The Best Ways To Handle This Disease

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, affects 1 out of every 4 Americans, according to the American Diabetes Association. High blood pressure is usually a symptom of a larger problem, whether your saturated fat content is too high, your LDL cholesterol is through the roof or your cardiovascular health simply isn't where it should be. If your doctor has found that you have high blood pressure, then you should at least be glad it was detected early. With some diet modifications and lifestyle changes, you can still minimize your risk of complications before it's too late.

If you are hypertensive, then it can be caused by many lifestyle choices. For instance, a 2005 study found that women who took 500 mg of Tylenol each day for headaches or pains were more likely to develop high blood pressure than women who did not. Users of cocaine and amphetamines, as well as smokers, were also more at risk. High body fat, high salt intake, low potassium intake, high cholesterol levels, inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption and high stress are often linked to hypertension as well. Health experts say that this condition isn't so cut-and-dry, that poor lifestyle choices aren't always the culprit. Some people are just at risk because they're aging, pregnant or born into a family with a history of high blood pressure.

The next time you visit the doctor, listen for the reading when the inflatable arm cuff is squeezing your arm. The ideal number indicating normal blood pressure is 115/75. The doctor may say you have hypertension if your numbers are 120-139, which indicates systolic pressure, or over 80-89 for diastolic pressure. Stage one hypertension is a reading of 140-159/90-99 and stage two is a reading of 160+/100+. Don't feel alarmed by one high reading. You may have eaten a high cholesterol breakfast of bacon and eggs before coming in for tests and your heart is just working a little harder than usual. However, you should perform heart health tests either at home or return for another check up very soon to be sure.

If you're found to have hypertension, then you will generally first be prescribed a new lifestyle that cuts out fat and bad cholesterol, as well as adds healthier food choices and exercise. You will be instructed to stop binge drinking or smoking, if applicable, and chances are you may need medication to jump start your progress. Many doctors first try a diuretic or "water pill" that promises to cleanse the kidneys, eliminating sodium, water and toxins from the body. Beta-Blockers sometimes work alongside diuretics to slow down the heart a little, instructing it not to work so hard. Angiotension II receptor blockers and ACE-inhibitors are good for people with coronary artery disease, kidney disease or who've already suffered congestive heart failure because of relaxed blood vessels that may already be susceptible to narrowing. Statins are commonly prescribed for lowering cholesterol as well. By adjusting your lifestyle and trying some of the revolutionary products on the market, you will be well on your way to cardiovascular health in no time.

As we become older there are critical numbers that start to weigh heavily upon us. We have to concern ourselves about our blood pressure, weight and our cholesterol level. These are some of the things that most of us have ignored for the vast majority of our lives now suddenly have great importance. However these are things that should never have been ignored. A lifetime of misuse on the body gives only unfavourable things when left unchecked.


Your cholesterol level is without question chief if you want to continue healthy and your body functioning properly. High levels can lead to heart attacks and stroke, both of these things you do not want to have to deal with. Being concerned when it comes to your cholesterol level is not simply for the aging. It is something both young as well as older people must be concerned with as well as be cognisant of if they want to lead a healthy life. In this article we will cover the basic principles of cholesterol and hopefully you will realize just how significant a healthy level is to your body and peace of mind.

What is bad cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is bad. All cholesterol is carried by lipoproteins but the low-density lipoproteins moves in the blood stream and allows the cholesterol to begin to accumulate. If there is too much LDL then the cholesterol begins building up on the walls of the arteries. It begins to form plaque which makes the arteries hard and not as flexible. When clots form and block the artery a heart attack or stroke can occur.

How can you prevent high cholesterol?

You can help take steps against having too much LDL cholesterol in your body by exercising, not smoking and eating right. These three things are the primary reasons why people have excessive LDL. Yes, some of your cholesterol levels have to do with family history but doctors have proven time and time again that a diet rich in fish and Omega-3 along with a healthy weight will reduce the overall LDL numbers. The body needs to have plenty of exercise as well.

In what way is the blockage from the arteries withdrawn?

The initial stage is through medicines but if there is a crucial tapering or closure in the artery or blood vessel then a slightly more intrusive operation is required. The actual procedures might vary however one popular method is through a balloon angioplasty. The mechanical device is entered into the artery and then naviagted to the occlusion where the build up of plaque has happened. The balloon is then inflated to clear the passage. Nowadays the routine is minimally invasive and the majority of patients are able to going home on that very day.

What is the normal range for a healthy cholesterol level?

The American Heart Association has guidelines established for what is considered a healthy range of cholesterol levels. A total cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL is considered to be a desirable level since it puts you at a lower risk of having heart disease. Here is the trick though. It is not just about total cholesterol. Your HDL levels should be over 60 mg/dL and your LDL should be lower than 100 mg/dL. Mg/dL means it is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood.

For a lot more informational value go here: Foods Low In Cholesterol and more information at High Cholesterol Diet as well as Ldl Cholesterol


Would A Free Diet Program Work For You?

In today's less active world most of us live at a pretty slow pace, doing nothing to fast except gaining unwanted weight. In the U.S. we have been lucky enough to have a very easy life compared to most of the world. Today we don't have to put in as much effort physically as we used to.   More people drive more places, do less physical work, and have modern appliances and conveniences to carry the burden. Associate that with the actuality of the commercially farmed overly processed and chemically laden foods most of eat on a daily basis the resulting effect can only be expected.

Americans are obese. If you think obesity is just about looks, think again. If you carry more weight than you are supposed to you are putting yourself at risk for the big killer health issues the plague the U.S. Those being hypertension, stroke and heart disease. Not to be to sober but being overweight could cost you a date, but it could also cost you your life. This is exactly why those of us who are obese need to look at losing weight with a diet. With today's economy the way it is there is little discretionary income to spend on a costly weight loss program so a free diet plan can come in real handy for times like these.

There are many free diet programs from which to choose. What is needed is an overall healthy lifestyle plan to make any weight loss program a workable situation whether it is free or not. The best way to lose weight is natural, healthy, simple, and best of all it's free. Take in less calories each day and exercise more to burn off more calories.

If you just do exercise and think you're going to lose the weight you need to think again. You are going to fight an uphill battle. If exercise isn't a part of your program you will probably still be eating to much because you won't be doing anything to increase your metabolism and burn excess calories. Combine the two as part of a normal, sustainable routine to take off the weight and keep off the weight.

Want a simple way to reduce caloric intake without the expense of specialty diet programs that include expensive food?   Eat smaller portions. That's right.   Keep eating exactly what you now eat, but cut down the portions.  Find out the food values of what you usually eat and cut back the portions to a point that is less than what you would burn on a regular day.

You can also make a big difference, up to 90,000 calories a year for the average person, by drinking water instead of pop and fruit juice. Another choice, if your prefer, could be coffee or tea. Without the sugar and cream of course. One of the benefits of this is caffeine will speed your metabolism up and help you to burn even more calories.

If you think that exercising 5 time a week is going to do the trick you need to think again.  You should be working up a sweat doing some form of strenuous exercise every day. And you should do no less than thirty minutes of it. Kick that up a notch with extra physical movement such as parking further from the office or stores for a short walk, using stairs instead of elevators, and using hand tools for daily or weekly chores.

There it is, exercise combined with free diet programs to lose weight. Make it your life and make it a joy.


Coronary Heart Disease - Managing a Challenging Health Condition

Coronary heart disease is characterized by atherosclerosis, which is the clogging and narrowing of the arteries. The heart is then deprived of oxygen, has trouble pumping blood and may mutate. Think of it like what an exertion injury can do to other muscles in your body; causing hardening and scar tissue over time. If your doctor tells you that you have high cholesterol levels or elevated triglycerides, then these are your first clues of metabolic failure. At this point, you will still have a chance of turning your life around before it's too late!

Most people with coronary heart disease don't realize they have it until it's too late, even though basic medical tests can reveal telltale signs like elevated triglycerides and high cholesterol levels. Some people may experience "angina pectoris," which is the medical term for discomfort, heaviness, aching, burning, numbness or pain in the chest, left shoulder, arms, back or jaw. Often this pain will feel similar to indigestion but won't occur around meal times. Depending on what kind of angina you're suffering from, the pain may come after exertion (stable angina), when sleeping and while out in the cold (prinzmetal's angina) or sometimes even just suddenly while resting (unstable angina). Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea and sweating often accompany the angina symptoms.

No matter what level of coronary heart disease you're suffering from, lifestyle and diet changes are essential. All other treatments are merely complementary. In some cases, you may be prescribed medications to lower high blood pressure, oxygenate blood, slow the heartbeat down and open up restrictive blood vessels. In severe cases, balloon angioplasty surgery, stent placement or coronary bypass are needed. Health experts are looking into new treatments like transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR), which utilizes laser beams to blast through the channels in your heart muscle, freeing up blood flow. Angiogenesis provides substances through the vein or directly into the heart, where the transporters have failed. Enhanced external counterpulsation can stimulate the opening of blood vessels in a very non-invasive way.

While some people are born genetically susceptible to coronary heart disease, the overwhelming majority of us become victimized by our imbalanced eating habits, our 50 hour work weeks, our poor sleep quality, our lack of exercise, our smoking, our drinking and our stress. There comes a point where we need to realize that work could be the end-all of existence if we don't better organize our priorities. On a positive note, more and more Americans are looking for healthier ways of living, judging by the number of self-help books flying off the shelves. There may not be an easy answer for lowering cholesterol or bypassing atherosclerosis, but with a positive attitude and a little bit of hard work, we can live a long, healthy life.

As we become older there are critical numbers that start to weigh heavily upon us. We have to concern ourselves about our blood pressure, weight and our cholesterol level. Things we may have ignored our entire lives now all of a sudden have great importance. But these are some of the thing that should not have been forgotten. A lifetime of misuse on the body returns merely damaging things when left unrestrained.


Your cholesterol level is absolutely critical if you wish to continue in good health and your body functioning the right way. High levels can lead to heart attacks and stroke, both of these things you do not want to have to contend with. Being concerned when it comes to your cholesterol level is not simply for the aging. It is something both younger people as well as older people must worry as well as be cognisant of if they hope to to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this article we will cover the fundamental principles of cholesterol and hopefully you will understand how important a healthy level is to your body as well as peace of mind.

What is bad cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is bad. All cholesterol is carried by lipoproteins but the low-density lipoproteins moves in the blood stream and allows the cholesterol to begin to accumulate. If there is too much LDL then the cholesterol begins building up on the walls of the arteries. It begins to form plaque which makes the arteries hard and not as flexible. When clots form and block the artery a heart attack or stroke can occur.

What happens when cholesterol gets too high?

Well when LDL gets too high then the cholesterol begins to accumulate on the artery walls and then hardens into plaque. The build up continues until the entire artery is blocked off. This added blockage makes it hard for blood to get to the heart where it can be pumped to the rest of the body. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

When HDL levels are high this is a good thing because researchers believe that HDL helps rid the body of cholesterol build-up. That is why a diet rich in foods that promote HDL is always heavily recommended.

In what way is the obstruction from the arteries withdrawn?

The initial stage is through medicines but if there is a serious constricting or closure in the artery or blood vessel then a slightly more intrusive procedure is needed. The actual functions might vary however one frequent method is done through the use of a balloon angioplasty. The mechanical device is entered into the artery and navigated to the closure where the plaque build up has occurred. The balloon is then inflated to clear the passage. Nowadays the procedure is minimally intrusive and most patients are able to going home that day.

What is the normal range for a healthy cholesterol level?

The American Heart Association has guidelines established for what is considered a healthy range of cholesterol levels. A total cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL is considered to be a desirable level since it puts you at a lower risk of having heart disease. Here is the trick though. It is not just about total cholesterol. Your HDL levels should be over 60 mg/dL and your LDL should be lower than 100 mg/dL. Mg/dL means it is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood.

For a great deal more informational value go to this online destination: Lower Cholesterol Levels and more information at High Cholesterol Levels as well as Low Cholesterol Diet Tips


Handling The Challenges Of Heart Failure

According to the American Medical Association journals, heart failure affects nearly 5 million Americans each year, with more than 300,000 people dying of this fatal disease. While the statistics may sound grim, there are many ways to educate yourself and simple lifestyle modifications can be made that will prevent you from becoming one of them.

Many people aren't aware that they have a chronic heart health problem until it's too late. Heart failure, in the form of a heart attack, sends surprised patients to the emergency room because they were not keeping up with routine checkups. Just as you take your car in for an oil change every 3,000 miles, so should you visit your doctor every year to test for abnormalities and treat entirely preventable diseases. While there may not be a 100% guarantee that you can avoid normal degeneration of the body, there are many things that you can do to add ten to twenty years onto your life and remain healthy and happy for the vast majority of your days.

To check if you may have heart health problems, your general practitioner can run several tests to be sure. Many people avoid getting tested in advance because they fear invasive pokes and prods, but most of these screening tests are very non-invasive. For instance, one test, which is a "stress test," has you walking on a treadmill for a specific interval of time through several intensity levels, while an IV-injected tracer moves through the blood, indicating possible obstructions or strain. Another test, the EKG, simply monitors your heart rhythms through electrical wires with adhesive ends stuck to your chest, arms and legs. An "Echocardiogram" is simply an ultrasound image taken of your chest, which is as painless as a photograph. Most people are familiar with the usual hypertension/blood pressure test done with a cuff around your bicep. The most invasive test, which is recommended for people with a genetic predisposition, is the "Catheriterization," which is a small tube inserted into the artery, which may open an obstruction or insert dye to see where the problem spots are.

You may have heard of something called "Statins." It is a medication prescribed for cancer patients and heart failure patients alike. Statins help cut cholesterol and regulate heart rhythms, but should never be used as a "cure-all." Health experts warn that a careful diet must still be adhered to for the positive results to be enjoyed. However, some patients report irritating side effects, like mental dullness and aching tendons. Nevertheless, the American Heart Association recommends Statins as a "first-line defense" against heart disease.

As we get older there are all-important numbers that begin to weigh to a great extent upon us. We have to concern ourselves about our blood pressure, weight and our cholesterol level. These are some of the things that most of us have ignored for the vast majority of our lives now all of a sudden they have significant importance. But these are things that should not have been forgotten. A lifetime of misuse on the body establishes merely damaging things when left unchecked.


Your cholesterol level is absolutely important if you want to stay in good health and your body functioning right. High levels has the ability to lead lead to heart attacks as well as stroke, both of these things you do not want to have to contend with. Being mindful about your cholesterol level is not simply for the elderly. It is something both younger people and older people must be concerned with and be cognisant of if they want to lead a healthy life. In this article we will go over the fundamentals of cholesterol and hopefully you will understand just how significant a healthy level is to your body and peace of mind.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid that is found in the bloodstream of humans and all animals. It can be there from two different sources. The first source is your body itself. The body naturally produces cholesterol. The second source of cholesterol is the food that we eat. It may surprise you to know that not all cholesterol is bad for you. There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. But you have to know the difference if you want to protect your health and your heart.

What happens when cholesterol gets too high?

Well when LDL gets too high then the cholesterol begins to accumulate on the artery walls and then hardens into plaque. The build up continues until the entire artery is blocked off. This added blockage makes it hard for blood to get to the heart where it can be pumped to the rest of the body. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

When HDL levels are high this is a good thing because researchers believe that HDL helps rid the body of cholesterol build-up. That is why a diet rich in foods that promote HDL is always heavily recommended.

In what way is the blockage from the arteries withdrawn?

The first stage is through medicines however if there is a life-threatening narrowing or closure in the artery or blood vessel then a slightly more aggressive operation is essential. The actual functions might vary however one popular method is through a balloon angioplasty. The mechanical device is inserted into the artery and then naviagted to the obstruction where the build up of plaque has happened. The balloon is then inflated to clear the passage. Nowadays the procedure is minimally invasive and the majority of patients are capable of going home that day.

What is the normal range for a healthy cholesterol level?

The American Heart Association has guidelines established for what is considered a healthy range of cholesterol levels. A total cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL is considered to be a desirable level since it puts you at a lower risk of having heart disease. Here is the trick though. It is not just about total cholesterol. Your HDL levels should be over 60 mg/dL and your LDL should be lower than 100 mg/dL. Mg/dL means it is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood.

For a lot more informational value go here: Normal Levels Of Cholesterol similarly Bad Cholesterol in addition to Total Cholesterol Levels


Benefits of Yoga - Physical and Emotional

Benefits of Yoga Video

Basic Yoga has been designed to primarily focus on the overall wellness of a person. When you get involved with yoga you will surely learn new lifestyle ideas and new ways of approaching life and the world. Yoga can improve your health in a variety of ways. You will also increase your strength, become more flexible, have improved body balance and learn to let go of stress and increase your vitality. Yoga also is an enjoyable way to loose weight.

Practicing the various yoga positions, also known as asanas increases your flexibility by working on your joints, your muscles, tendons and ligaments. You will notice a significant improvement in your flexibility as you continue the practice of yoga. You will be pleased with the benefits of yoga such as muscle toning and the reduction of body fat.

Yoga is wonderful for thoroughly messaging the organs and the glands of your body, including those that rarely receive stimulation. The massaging of your organs and glands helps your body to prevent diseases from harming your health. A significant benefit of practicing yoga is the increased blood flow that occurs throughout your body which improves your health. The increased blood flow significantly improves your body’s ability to remove toxic substances and delivers nourishment throughout your body.

There are said to be over 8,400,000 asanas or yoga positions compiled by the yoga masters over the period of 5,000 years that yoga has been in existence. For most yoga novices, a lot less are required in order to get started. The number of basic yoga asanas recommended by instructors varies but usually only a little more than 12 basic yoga positions are taught to beginners.

Even if one does not desire to be able to perform the more advanced and complicated asana, there are benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, no matter the school of thought you choose to follow. Improved balance, strength, and flexibility are the first most obvious benefits. 

Benefits of yoga that might be less obvious would be a greater awareness of oneself and of nature. Yoga has also been shown to offer health benefits such as improved internal organ function, a boosted immune system, reduction of the symptoms of many chronic diseases and many, many other benefits. Yoga of all kinds, including basic yoga, aids relaxation and reduces tension without fatigue and too much exertion.

Basic yoga involves seven types of body movement during exercise including circumduction, flexion, abduction, adduction, rotation, extension, and hyperextension. Combinations of these body movements are used to create the yoga stances and positions. These movements are combined with breathing exercises and concentration. Breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for coming into an asana, holding an asana, and coming out of it. All the movements are ideally done gracefully. To learn how to do basic yoga, look for a qualified instructor and failing that, look for educational videos that may help you.

FInd more on Yoga here Yoga Retreats


What is Hypertension and What can You do About It?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects many people in this country every year, and can increase the risk of other medical conditions like heart attack and stroke. Because hypertension is a potentially serious and even life threatening condition, it is important to understand what hypertension is and what you can do to reduce your risk of getting diagnosed with this condition. If you are hit with a diagnosis of high blood pressure at some point in your future, you need to know what your treatment options are to get your blood pressure back under control.

What is Hypertension? Two Categories

There are two types of hypertension that can be diagnosed, and each will come with its own risk factors and treatment choices. It is important to understand what your hypertension is, so that you can find the best treatment plan for you. The first type is called primary hypertension, which occurs in approximately 90-95% of all hypertension cases. With primary, or essential, hypertension, the cause is usually not known and the condition will develop over a number of years.

The other type is called secondary hypertension, and this condition can usually be related to a preexisting condition. Kidney abnormalities and congenital heart defects are two of the common culprits in secondary hypertension. By understanding what hypertension is and what the various categories are, you are on the road to determining the best treatment options for you. In the case of secondary hypertension, the treatment will often involve "fixing" or treating the underlying cause. In primary hypertension, treatment must be focused on lowering the blood pressure through medication and/or lifestyle changes.

What is Hypertension Treatment?

Once you understand what hypertension is and the type that you are diagnosed with, it is time to move onto a treatment plan. Even if you are feeling completely healthy, it is important to bring the blood pressure down to reduce the risk of other medical conditions. Your doctor may decide to put you on a medication that will help to manage your blood pressure numbers. There are many different types of blood pressure medicine available, so chances are excellent that you will find one that you tolerate well and that is effective for your condition. This medication will probably need to be taken for the rest of your life, since high blood pressure is not cured with medication, but merely managed.

Lifestyle changes involving diet, exercise, weight maintenance and quitting unhealthy habits are also a part of hypertension treatment. Your doctor can make specific recommendations for you in terms of these changes and which ones may benefit you the best. By learning what hypertension is and the best ways to treat it, you will be on your way to lower blood pressure readings and a healthier cardiovascular system.

Someone suffering from hypertension will not have Ronnie Coleman biceps or look like Alain Ngalani. Do not go on a high fat low carb diet and all should be a lot better.


Vitamin D Can Reduce Blood Pressure And More

Recent research has proven that healthy vitamin D levels may protect the body against osteoporosis, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.  There is now evidence that suggests that vitamin D may help protect against a potentially dangerous rise in blood pressure which occurs in some people as they get older.  A study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had researchers finding that as many as 60 percent of whites and more than 90 percent of blacks who participated in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey had insufficient blood levels of vitamin D. 

Vitamin D can be obtained through the diet or produced in the skin, thanks to the effects of the sun.  Researchers also investigated the association between vitamin D, blood pressure, and age.  This investigation found that people with lower blood levels of vitamin D had significantly higher increases in systolic blood pressure as they aged than did those people who had healthy levels.  Actually, the age-related rise in blood pressure turned out to be 20 percent lower in those people who had healthy vitamin D levels, as oppose to those people who did not.  This suggests that vitamin D deficiency may play a critical role in high blood pressure development. 

Many other studies have suggested that there is a role for vitamin D in reducing blood pressure.  One of these studies showed that daily doses of about 400 I.U. of vitamin D, along with about 600 milligrams of calcium were able to significantly reduce blood pressure in elderly women by more than nine percent after just eight weeks.  However, treatment with 600 milligrams of calcium alone reduced blood pressure by only four percent.  According to Vin Tangpricha MD, PhD., an assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Lipids at Emory University School of Medecine, there is not enough evidence that vitamin D prevents hypertension available, however, because vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent throughout the United States, it may be a good idea to take a vitamin D supplement solely because of the strong evidence on vitamin D’s ability to prevent osteoporotic fractures. 

Dr. Tangpricha, along with his colleagues, hopes that there are improved methods to detect and treat vitamin D insufficiency in adults, especially blacks, in the United States.  It has been noted that further studies are needed in order to determine vitamin D’s effect on blood pressure.  Additionally, it needs to be determined if giving all patients vitamin D will help lower blood pressure.  Those people who have a family history of other risk factors that are associated with high blood pressure, such as being older than sixty-five, should have their blood pressure checked regularly.  These people should also talk with their doctor about dietary factors that may help to protect against this condition. 

Be sure to look for more studies and information on the effects of supplemental D vitamins on both white and black habitants of the United States to help battle vitamin D deficiency.  To learn more about supplemental vitamin D, contact your local health food provider.


Why Being Overweight Is Unhealthy

Obesity manifest to being the primary source of major health risks that root from an unhealthy lifestyle. Myriads of weight loss programs continue to proliferate in the market yet, the apparent state of millions of overweight people are incessantly evident. This health dilemma now becomes the major culprit of various diseases faced by people from all over the globe. A lot of people struggle with weight. I personally love to just sit in my computer looking at charting software.

Risks to ones health are a plenty that are caused by being overweight. Thus, awareness of these health hazards must be known to people to thwart possible health threats that might befall. Being obese is considered a possibly life threatening condition that can only be cured through hard work and a proper diet.

Obesity causes risks of heart attack and strokes. If you are obese then you almost surely have hight blood pressure, and that leads to cholesterol buildup and other problems. Heart attacks are a major killer world wide, and not trying to protect yourself from them are foolish.

Do you often snore when you sleep? Do you hear an uncontrollable and almost unbearable loud noise? If this so, then you are suffering from sleep apnea. This kind of health disorder is discernible among overweight people. When sleeping, usually people will slow breathing and making the airway smaller. Sleep apnea is the result of inflammation of fat surrounding your neck which makes it difficult for a individual to breathe properly. If that is what happened, then you should seek out a doctor. Sleep apnea is not a minor health problem as this will pave the way for auxiliary diseases if not given utmost attention.

Another health risk that overweight people might confront is the type 2 diabetes. This occurs when the cells producing insulin have come to a state of experiencing difficulty to generate normal blood sugar level. If you have diabetes then you suffer things like high blood sugar that does stuff like cause other system failures in the body. If you don't get treatment then other infection can cause amputation and loss of sight.

Being overweight can also increase your risk of cancer. Cancer can be caused by being heavy, and it also leads to many types of conditions like Colon and liver cancer, or many more. The gall bladder disease is also apparent to people who experience weight gain. Gallstones are caused by an increase in cholesterol and if you are obese then there is an even larger Cancer about a big gallbladder.

You wouldn’t want all these health risks to happen to you, would you? If you confirm that then you need to check for ways to stop yourself for getting more and more overweight. A good exercise and proper diet should not be applied in a short span of time; a healthy lifestyle serves as a lifetime commitment to oneself and health in general. If you seek a good weight loss program my suggestions are mytrack.


Fight Heart Disease With Herbal Supplements

With heart disease being the number one cause of death in Americans and high blood pressure being the “silent killer,” high homocysteine levels are considered by most researchers to be as dangerous as high cholesterol levels.  An aging heart is proven to be less efficient and much more likely to develop disease.  Thankfully, certain nutrients and specialty compounds may help to promote healthy blood pressure, homocysteine levels and heart function, which ultimately exert a positive impact on heart disease. 

One of the most significant remedies in traditional medicine is Dansheng, which has historically been associated with the circulatory and cardiovascular systems consequently, leaving it to be recommended for conditions surrounding the blood and heart.  Many studies have shown that dansheng dilated coronary arteries, increased coronary blood flow, and scavenged free radicals in ischemic diseases, which reduce the cellular damage from ischemia and improve heart conditions.  Studies have proven that dansheng can improve the ischemic state of the myocardium by dilating the coronary vessels and, in turn, decreasing serum lipid peroxides and increasing levels of SOD in patients with coronary heart disease. 

These effects could potentially be associated with dansheng’s ability to inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce blood viscosity, improve myocardial ischemia, and protect the cytomembrane.  Dansheng has even been shown to effectively improve and protect myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease who are undergoing non-heart surgery. 

Hawthorn has traditionally been used as a cardiac tonic, and current used for it include treatment of angina, hypertension, arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure.  Research has shown that it may improve cardiac muscular contractions and blood flow in coronary arteries.  The use of hawthorn has been validated by Germany’s Commission E, in which it was reported that hawthorn improves subjective findings as well as increases heart work tolerance, and decreases blood pressure/heart rate.  Similarly, clinical research has confirmed that hawthorn is beneficial in treating mild congestive heart failure.  Regarding angina, hawthorn extract, when taken three times per day, improves heart function and exercise tolerance in angina patients. 

Garlic has also shown significant contributions toward cardiovascular health.  Garlic’s lipid-lowering effects, which have been proven in six randomized, double blind studies.  Garlic also has an anti-hypertensive effect, which was proven in two randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled studies.  A review and meta-analysis of randomized trials was conducted to determine the effects of garlic on blood pressure.  Of seven trials comparing the effects of garlic to a placebo, three demonstrated a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure and four in diastolic blood pressure. 

Garlic has also been shown to have a positive impact on platelet function.  Garlic’s ability to prevent and possibly reverse atherosclerosis was tested in one of the longest clinical trials on garlic to date.  After four years, subjects experienced an average reduction in plaque volume of about 2.6 percent, while the placebo group increased in plaque volume by 15.6 percent. This allowed researchers to conclude that garlic has a preventative and potentially curative role in arteriosclerosis therapy.

Finally, cayenne also has a history of traditional use for its ability to simulate circulation.  Traditionally used as a catalyst herb in herbal combination formulas, cayenne’s stimulant effects sped up circulation and thus aid in absorption.  This herb increased absorption ability is believed to be due to the fact that cayenne can draw blood to the intestinal walls aiding in food digestion and absorption in the intestinal tract.  Whether you choose dansheng, hawthorn berry, garlic, or cayenne in single or herbal combination, you can go wrong by choosing natural herbal formulas to help restore heart function and prevent heart disease.


What is the Finest Technique to Losing Fat?

The biggest error people make when they make their mind up to lose fat is not setting sensible targets.  They set their goals too high which set them up for dissapointment.  The greatest strategy to losing weight is to set sensible and feasible, short-term targets.  With each objective you achieve you can set new targets; this increases confidence and self-esteem.

After setting your targets you should converse with your physician about your fat loss plan and solicit his/her recommendation.  Your doctor can help you with providing knowledge about a healthier life-style by selecting foods that help maintain your dietary needs.  It is always best to talk to your doctor before you start any weight loss strategy; it’s good to get a base-line weight and blood pressure so your physician can watch you as you start to lose fat.

The next step would be to inform yourself about all the reasons why you are over-weight.  It’s not only the food you eat, but the reasons you turn to those foods instead of healthy foods. An outstanding spot to find information is by checking out the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review; this gives details why some people are over-weight and not capable to lose fat no matter what they do.

Once you comprehend what got you to where you are, you have to change  the way you see food.  You can’t allow your cravings and emotional bonds to food over-take your need to eat healthier and live a more vibrant life.  The best ways to lose fat is by changing your tendencies; eating foods that are designed to work with your body and exercising to make your body stronger.

You don’t need a structured diet strategy to lose fat; you just need to take control of your life and recognize and accept that if you want to live a long, happy life, you have to make some changes.  Our bodies need certain vitamins and minerals to perform at its finest; some diets reduce some of those vitamins and minerals, which is unhealthy and quite dangerous.  Just eating reasonable, nutritious meals and exercising daily will give you the quickest and most helpful and long-lasting results.  Once you start eating correctly you will notice that you will have more energy.  Once you have more energy, you will want to exercise.  Taking a brisk walk in the evening prior to bed is an outstanding way to burn calories and jump start your metabolism.

It is extremely important to drink a lot of water; this has many effects to your body.  Many times we tend to eat out of tendency or monotony; a cup of water will help restrain that craving to eat plus it will give your body its most main factor of survival.

You don’t have to go hungry or minimize your portions of foods as long as you are eating healthy foods.  Eat until you are full and then quit.  If you get hungry, eat again.  As long as you are eating healthy foods that are supplying your body with what it wants, you are safe.  The answer is in selecting the foods you eat.  If you need something sweet, fruit offers this along with nutritional values that sustain a healthy eating routine.  Food is what makes your metabolism work; when you don’t eat because you are “dieting” you are in fact slowing down your metabolism and obstructing your fat loss. When you eat dietary foods, you are not only jump starting your metabolism, but you are also feeding your body with what it desires.  This gives you much more energy and the ability to be more lively, thus you begin losing weight. In fact, eating more is the answer to losing weight, as crazy as it might sound. Read Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviewed to find out how to use the calorie shifting procedure so that you can actually eat more and lose fat.

Take control of your life; set sensible objectives and move forward, day by day.


What Causes Erectile dysfunction

Just like how how women think its inappropriate to discuss about yeast infection of the vagina, men don't discuss about problems regarding erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is generally regarded as shameful and has for the longest time been a topic subjected to the culture of silence. How do you characterize impotence? Its hallmark symptom is the inability to develop and keep an erection of the penis that is sufficient to pleasure the opposite sex during sexual intercourse. To get an erection, one needs to have normal, integrative functions of the nerves, blood vessels, muscles and brain. Impotence, contrary to what people perceive, is not just a physiological problem, it is a psychological problem as well.

In a lot of cultures, the ability to spread one’s seed is a reflection of success, masculinity and potency. Not being able to do likewise renders the man useless in the eyes of such communities. How society think about impotence says a great deal about how the very same people view masculinity, its responsibility and their depth of understanding on coitus and its causes and remedies (which really is quite limited). Male impotence isn’t a disease. It isn’t a joke either. It’s not due to of bad luck and it definitely isn’t life’s greatest tragedy. Erectile dysfunction is experienced by 150 million men all around the world. According to some studies, one in ten males is bound to experience impotency at some point of their lives. So, in reality, there is nothing to be ashamed about. The man sitting in the next office can be suffering from the same thing as you are.

Erection is a hydraulic mechanism that allows the blood to be channeled into the penis and be maintained there. As with a functional reproductive male organ, obtaining strong erections at times, such as during sleep is normal. However, the dearth of nocturnal hard-ons certainly does not imply the opposite.

After all, not every male body is the same, they work differently and not every man experiences wet dreams. Another underlying condition associated with erectile dysfunction is vascular disease which results in lazy erections that are not rigid or full and are lost quicker than expected.

Arteriosclerosis is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries causing the reduction of blood flow throughout the body. Tied closely to age, it is responsible for for 50 to 60 percent of impotence in men over the age of sixy. Risk factors include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Smoking can lead to any of the risk factors listed above and is hence is considered to be the most significant risk factor for impotence in the case of arteriosclerosis.

Diseases that troubles the testicles and pituitary glands may bring down testosterone levels which will consequently lead to erectile dysfunction. This is known as hypogonadism. In addition, other factors for instance drugs, hormone disorders, pelvic trauma, surgery, radiation therapy can also bring about impotence.

What many do not know is that over two hundred commonly used drugs, various over-the-counter medications cancause impotence. These include drugs for high blood pressure, heart medications, antidepressants, tranquilizers and sedatives. Also, alcohol may affect the nervous system and is generally associated to impotence.

Are you suffering from the pain of erectile dysfunction? Find out about natural penis enhancement solutions that can help you get rid of your impotence instantly. Discover natural male enhancement pills and herbal sexual enhancers that brings strong solid erections that last without you needing to worry about any side effects.