Basic Yoga has been designed to primarily focus on the overall wellness of a person. When you get involved with yoga you will surely learn new lifestyle ideas and new ways of approaching life and the world. Yoga can improve your health in a variety of ways. You will also increase your strength, become more flexible, have improved body balance and learn to let go of stress and increase your vitality. Yoga also is an enjoyable way to loose weight.
Practicing the various yoga positions, also known as asanas increases your flexibility by working on your joints, your muscles, tendons and ligaments. You will notice a significant improvement in your flexibility as you continue the practice of yoga. You will be pleased with the benefits of yoga such as muscle toning and the reduction of body fat.
Yoga is wonderful for thoroughly messaging the organs and the glands of your body, including those that rarely receive stimulation. The massaging of your organs and glands helps your body to prevent diseases from harming your health. A significant benefit of practicing yoga is the increased blood flow that occurs throughout your body which improves your health. The increased blood flow significantly improves your body’s ability to remove toxic substances and delivers nourishment throughout your body.
There are said to be over 8,400,000 asanas or yoga positions compiled by the yoga masters over the period of 5,000 years that yoga has been in existence. For most yoga novices, a lot less are required in order to get started. The number of basic yoga asanas recommended by instructors varies but usually only a little more than 12 basic yoga positions are taught to beginners.
Even if one does not desire to be able to perform the more advanced and complicated asana, there are benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, no matter the school of thought you choose to follow. Improved balance, strength, and flexibility are the first most obvious benefits.
Benefits of yoga that might be less obvious would be a greater awareness of oneself and of nature. Yoga has also been shown to offer health benefits such as improved internal organ function, a boosted immune system, reduction of the symptoms of many chronic diseases and many, many other benefits. Yoga of all kinds, including basic yoga, aids relaxation and reduces tension without fatigue and too much exertion.
Basic yoga involves seven types of body movement during exercise including circumduction, flexion, abduction, adduction, rotation, extension, and hyperextension. Combinations of these body movements are used to create the yoga stances and positions. These movements are combined with breathing exercises and concentration. Breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for coming into an asana, holding an asana, and coming out of it. All the movements are ideally done gracefully. To learn how to do basic yoga, look for a qualified instructor and failing that, look for educational videos that may help you.
FInd more on Yoga here Yoga Retreats
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