

Our arteries carry blood from our heart to the rest of our body. When our blood flows through our arteries at a higher pressure than normal, it results in a condition called ‘High Blood Pressure’ (also named ‘Hypertension’).According to medical standards a normal blood pressure stands at a reading of about 120/80. High blood pressure is 140/90 or sometimes higher.

High blood pressure is mainly cause by obesity and lack of regular exercise; some are cause by family medical history, stressful and sedentary lifestyle and poor eating style.


  • When you have shortness of breath, headache, dizziness or blurred vision, you may have a high blood pressure condition. Most of the other symptoms are unnoticeable in most cases, if any of the above mention occurs, you should do a full body check to find out the problems. Find out if you have the symptoms of anxiety, because some symptoms are shared.
  • Some other risk factors for high blood pressure leading to hypertension are excessive intake of sodium in diet, aging, diabetes, certain kidney diseases and atherosclerosis (thickening and hardening of the arteries).
  • High blood pressure are common in pregnancy, the mother should always be relax all the time.
  • Extreme high blood pressure will raise the risk of stroke and heart attack, especially when weakened blood vessels that causes aneurysm. Hypertension will lead to loss of vision and disturbed metabolic syndrome, should not be taken lightly.
  • The kidney will be damaged by the weakening blood vessels that cause high blood pressure.

Health professionals, doctors and psychotherapists are skilled at and do teach relaxation techniques to reduce blood pressure, but there are many things that you can do on your own to check your blood pressure from rising. Relaxation techniques are meant to increase awareness of your body and refocusing your attention towards a calming thought.

Effective relaxation techniques that reduce blood pressure:

  • Relaxing Music
  • Regular Exercise to relax the muscle and help blood regulation
  • Tai Chi
  • Self Hypnosis for Relaxation
  • Massage Acupuncture
  • Meditation

There are various relaxation techniques to choose from, but what really matters is that the relaxation techniques are to be practiced regularly without fail. Lets us now have a look at some very upcoming, useful and not so common relaxation techniques:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Begin with your toes, make fist with the toes and tense for 5 seconds, then open and relax your toe muscles for 30 seconds, next, move your focus to the legs, asses, tummy, arms, neck, head. Repeat the process few times from toe to head and from head to toe until you feel all of the muscles in your body are relaxed. Remember to deep breathing during the exercise.

Visual Relaxation. Visualize mental image of peaceful places, calm your emotion and body, think of yourself on the beach, mountains, and small villages, hear and feel the wind and stream. Practice it with as many senses as you can, imagine the sound, sights, smells and textures.  To practice visual relaxation, you need a quiet and calm place, and the wearing should be loose cotton clothing, this will help you focus and relax using the mind power. After all, the mind is the key to controlling your health, use it properly and restore your health condition.

Autogenic Relax Technique. Autogenic relaxation is a way of combining yoga and meditation with progressive relaxation techniques. Practitioner will sit on a meditation posture and start to relax the body part by part from toe to head or head to toe. Before starting, the practitioner will imagine the relaxing and clam environment, using all sense to create a picture, smell, sound and any kind of relaxation elements.  Next, the practitioner will use hypnotic self help wording, such as “feeling the arms relax and warm”, read it repeating in the mind and activate the sense and feelings of relax and warm to the arm. Do the same to each part of the body, and repeat them until you feel extreme relaxing.

You need to control the high blood pressure problems, and avoid damaging the arteries that will lead to heart attack and stroke. Practice relaxation techniques will reduce the blood pressure, which is critical in maintaining a healthy mind and body. To cure high blood pressure caused by anxiety and depression, see the anxiety native treatment for more information.

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