
The Unknown Secrets of Herbal Chinese Medicine and Skin Disorders

Acupuncture, tuina, gigong, dietary therapy and herbal medicine. It is no question that Chinese medicine has brought wonders to the world as well as a load of relief to those who are suffering from different medical ailments. Each of these traditional Chinese medicinal practices has its unique way of providing remedy to people seeking treatment. This article, however, focuses on the medical marvel that is Chinese herbal medicine and the miraculous cure it provides to various skin conditions.

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries. Because of its efficiency in relieving so many different medical problems, the use of Chinese herbs was not only confined in its place of origin. People from different countries in Asia and even other continents adapted the practice to treat their medical conditions. These days, herbal medicine that originated from the Chinese is now widely available in the market.

The popularity of herbal Chinese medicine may also be attributed to the number of people who are switching back to natural or organic products and resources to avoid the medical conditions that are linked to the products that contain harmful and toxic chemicals. There are a lot of natural remedies that herbal Chinese medicine offer to treat different skin disorders. Below are some of the skin conditions that can be treated by Chinese herbal skin care:

1- Acne. – It is an extremely common skin condition prevalent to teenagers of both genders and is also common in adults. They manifest themselves as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Chinese herbologists have come up with a concoction of different herbs to treat acne. The concoction include Job’s tear seeds, poria mushroom, phellodendrin bark, tree peony root bark, red peony root, goldenthread root, Chinese licorice root and pearl. These days, this formula comes in pills or tablets that are available on the market and tagged as acne natural treatment.

2- Varicose veins. – In a literal sense, varicose veins mean “twisted veins”. They are protruding, enlarged, twisted veins that are bluish purple in color. Varicous veins generally occur on the legs. Standing alone makes the legs work against gravity, which increases the pressure on the legs and result to the appearance of varicose veins. It is a common condition to adults, particularly women who wear high heels. Various natural extracts can be used to treat varicous veins. These extracts include horse chestnut extract, and grape seed and pine bark extracts. In addition, studies show that Butcher’s broom, a plant in the lily family, can also be used to treat varicose veins. However, Butcher’s broom may cause digestion problems and is not to be taken with medication for high blood pressure, benign prostate hyperplasia and other diseases. It is highly recommended that you consult your physician about any herbal Chinese medicine you would want to use for your varicose veins to avoid complicating your other medical conditions.

3- Athlete’s foot. - It is a fungal infection that is commonly acquired from warm and damp environments like fitness centers, public showers, indoor swimming pools and locker rooms. Athlete's foot can be treated by many anti-fungal herbs such as garlic, licorice and ginger. Licorice has been used by the Chinese to treat athlete’s foot and ringworm. Licorice is said to work best when combined with a garlic foot bath. This treatment is very convenient as you can do it in your own home. Licorice is said to have twenty-five fungicidal compounds that can kill the fungus that causes athlete’s foot.

4- Cold sores. - They are blisters that are small, painful and fluid-filled. If the excrutiating pain does not bother you, the look of your skin certainly will. They generally occur on the gums, the roof of the mouth or the lips. Worse, they are contagious. Cold sores may also be treated with Chinese licorice root.

5- Eczema. - It is a skin condition that is chronic. It is also known as atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis or infantile eczema. Eczema can be treated with a formula of Chinese herbs. The herbs included in this formula are Gan Cao, Mu Dan Pi, Shi Gao, Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Mu, Ku shen, Chan Tui, Niu Bang Zi, Fang Feng, Tian Men Dong.  Although the use of this formula including all these herbs will provide an efficient dermatitis natural treatment (eczema), combining it with acupuncture will address the skin problem faster.

Chinese herbs are said to be the oldest “evidence-based medicine”. That is due to the recorded number of people who have suffered from different ailments that are cured by herbal remedies. Compared to synthetic drugs, Chinese herbs definitely have many advantages. Traditional herbal Chinese medicine remedies are designed to address many ailments. Herbal Chinese medicine is widely used in Asian countries and is now also gaining popularity in other nations around the world due to its efficiency in relieving many different health conditions.

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