
How to lower blood pressure

I’m always looking for tips on how to lower blood pressure and since so many people are affected by it, there are always several research studies being done on it.

I just read on Reuters that a major study found that women who eat whole grains often in their diet may lower their risk of developing high blood pressure. Well that’s good if you don’t have high blood pressure, but what about me? I already do.

From what I understand, adding these grains to my meals will help me from getting worse. So I guess that’s a good thing. I can work on maintaining it and then work on lowering my blood pressure

So the advice is if you don’t have hypertension and you want to keep it that way, add whole grains to your diet - this includes oatmeal, bran and brown rice. And the study advises to avoid refined grains like pasta and white bread and other foods made from whole flour.

I found this site that offers several tips on how to lower blood pressure that you might want to check out.

Have a great day.


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