
Why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

High blood pressure is often referred to as a silent killer. Reason being because most people are not aware that they have it until it's too late. Unfortunately, you only get one or two warnings. One of the main warning signs of high blood pressure is a heart attack, and not everyone survives from a heart attack. So that's why hypertension is referred to as a silent killer.

High blood pressure does not give off very many warning signs like other deadly diseases. You don't get sick or ill when you have high blood pressure like you do with AIDs. It doesn't tell you something's wrong like acne.

So how do you know if you have it? You have to go get your regular checkup and they take your blood pressure. But if you're like me, going to a doctor makes your blood pressure go up just because you don't like going to the doctor or it makes you nervous. Well, now with blood pressure monitors, you can check your blood pressure at home without the nervousness of being at the doc's office and you can get a more accurate reading.

You can check your blood pressure often throughout the day to get an accurate reading. If the readings are high then you go to the doc and talk about lowering your blood pressure.

High blood pressure is called the silent killer for a reason. Don't let it sneak up on you.

If you do have it then here are some quick tips to get it down:

-Stop smoking
-Cut down on fried foods and hydrogenated oils
-Take up yoga and meditation
-Reduce stress
-Eat more fresh fruits and veggies
-Limit your intake of chips, popcorn and other high salt foods
-Limit your alcohol intake

Add some of these to your daily routine and you can possibly avoid having to take medications to lower your blood pressure. But talk to your doctor first.


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